Day Five

My weight loss has slowed down significantly. After losing nine and a half pounds the first three days, when I stepped on the scale this a.m. I was pleased to see that I lost just half a pound yesterday.

It was good to lose that excess fat, but it’s also good to now see what I’ve seen on other long water-only fasts, a slowing down of the weight loss as the days go by and there’s little fat for the body to feed on.

Of course, one reason for this result is the fact that, for various reasons, I didn’t do any physical activity yesterday, no short walk, which I usually do. Today Jane and I decided to drive to a nice park we’ve never been to before and explore it. I was able to walk about two miles, with several stops to sit down, so I’ll probably have more than a half pound weight loss tomorrow when I step on the scale.

I’m looking forward to the Harris-Pence debate tonight. It is hard to see how Harris can do anything less than a draw, and that’s not what the Trumpublicans need, given how far behind they’re falling in the polls. Hopefully, it’ll be a win for Kamala, and she’ll be good and strong on the issues.

I’ve begun to regularly drink hot water with a little salt. It’s nice to have the heat sensation as it goes down and the taste of something other than tasteless water. And I need to be taking salt, as well as potassium, for the electrolytes I need during this long ordeal. It’s an ordeal physically, that’s for sure, but my conscience and spirit are just fine.